Layal Younan
1 min readMay 25, 2021


I’m taking J110 to learn how to capture moments in time through different types of medias. I am a senior in Cal about to graduate, but I wanted to learn more about journalism and how to apply it to the fields I am interested in. I just recently bought a Canon camera, so I am excited to learn how to use it best.

Layal Younan, Exploring, 18, of Burbank, Calif., right, smiles with her backpack using a self-timer on her phone to capture the moment at Mission Dolores Park in San Francisco, Calif., at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 10, 2017. Layal commutes to San Francisco from Berkeley, Calif. by bus every weekday to get to the UC Berkeley extension building so she can attend classes, study at parks nearby, and enjoy the Bay Area views regardless of the distance. “It’s tiring at times, especially for the first few months when I had a broken foot and had to commute, but the unique experience made it priceless,” said Layal.

