Dear 2016: A letter from the L.A. Times Data Visualization Department

Layal Younan
2 min readMay 28, 2021

This piece is about the most memorable occurrences of 2016 in Los Angeles, California. I particularly enjoyed this package because I am from this region, so a lot of the information hit home for me. Throughout the package, I found multiple forms of medias. There were pictures, videos, infographics, and texts. I believe audio was the main form of media that was missing from this package, but it was still a great package nonetheless. What I found most interesting was the way the package was divided into the twelve months of the year, and each month had specific events attached to it. Something that I found remarkable was that this package included an image that combined every single basketball shot that Kobe Bryant took while being a part of the Lakers. I think the package was easy to read, relatively short, and concise. Of course, with a piece as short as this, a drawback includes leaving some important information out. Not to mention, the importance of an event is usually subjective, so someone else that lives in LA might not view these events as the most critical. Although I read the whole thing, I did not have the time to click on every link that was provided in the package. For example, I had time to view the basketball shots that Kobe Bryant took, but I did not have time to track the campaign progress as shown for the 2016 elections. Moving forward, this package could be improved by being less arbitrary. Perhaps if there were categories of events, then it might be easier to follow, but the randomness of the events in each month might be a little hard to keep up with.

